Descarca "The Dream" in format PDF de Frank Tilsley

The Dream
The Dream
Frank Tilsley

The Dream: A Brush with Premonition? by Frank Tilsley

The Dream is a short story by Frank Tilsley that explores the concept of premonition and the question of free will.

The Plot:

  • The story centers on a family returning from a trip to Italy. The father, the narrator, has a vivid and unsettling dream during their stay in a small town.
  • In the dream, he sees a car accident involving a lorry (British term for truck) and their own vehicle.
  • The dream is so realistic that it leaves him shaken and worried.
  • The next day, as they continue their journey, the father becomes increasingly anxious, constantly scanning the road for signs of the dream coming true.

The Dilemma:

  • The story delves into the psychological impact of the dream on the father.
  • He grapples with the question of whether the dream is a premonition or simply a product of his mind.
  • If it is a premonition, does he have the power to change the course of events?
  • The narrative explores the tension between fate and free will, leaving the reader to ponder the nature of dreams and their potential influence on reality.

Beyond the Premonition:

  • While the premonition aspect is central to the plot, the story also touches on themes of:
    • Family dynamics and the stress of travel
    • The power of suggestion and the human tendency to focus on anxieties
    • The weight of responsibility and the fear of accidents

A Thought-Provoking Read:

  • The Dream is a captivating short story that leaves a lasting impression.
  • It is a quick and engaging read that will spark discussions about premonitions, free will, and the power of the human mind.

Finding the Story:

  • As The Dream is a short story, it might be found in collections by Frank Tilsley or anthologies featuring short fiction.
  • You can try searching online resources or libraries for these collections.