Rebel is the thrilling continuation of Marie Lu’s Legend series, diving back into the dystopian world of the Republic. The story centers around two brothers, Eden and Daniel “Day” Wing, who are caught in the aftermath of the events that shaped their lives in the previous books.
Eden Wing has always lived in the shadow of his older brother, Day, a national hero who helped bring peace to the Republic. But now that peace is threatened by new forces rising in the Colonies, and Eden is determined to carve out his own path, even if it means leaving behind the safety of his brother’s protection.
Meanwhile, Day, who is still haunted by the loss and sacrifices of the past, struggles with his own role in the new world order. When Eden’s involvement with a dangerous underground group puts him at risk, Day is pulled back into the world he tried to leave behind.
As tensions rise and the fragile peace begins to crumble, the Wing brothers must confront their differences and come together to fight for what they believe in. Rebel explores themes of family, loyalty, and the cost of freedom in a world where nothing is as it seems.